Holistic Extractions
At the Center for Dental Healing our philosophy is about harnessing the body’s natural healing ability. When a tooth requires an extraction, Dr. Aver does not simple pull a tooth like a traditional dentist. When an extraction is performed, it is extremely important to ensure the area is cleaned well of periodontal ligaments (microscopic fibers that connect the tooth to the jawbone) when any tooth is extracted. This is to allow the jawbone to heal properly, and fully to avoid cavitation.
Reasons for Recommending Tooth Extraction
1. Severe periodontal disease
2. Irreversible damage to the nerve inside the tooth (and no other way of saving tooth)
3. Failed endodontic therapy
4. Extreme fracture or decay of the tooth structure
A Note on Cavitations:
A cavitation is a hole in the bone. In the case of extractions, the caviation is the hole in the jawbone where the extracted tooth root resided. It is believed that once the tooth is removed, the hole left behind completely heals, however this is not always the case and serious dental health issue can occur as a result of improper healing.
It is not common for traditional dentists to remove all the periodontal ligaments at the same time as the tooth. If periodontal ligaments are left behind, there is an incomplete healing of the hole in the jawbone leaving pockets resulting in cavitations. These cavitations (or pockets) become a breeding ground for bacteria and toxins. Cavitations can cause adverse health effects on your oral and whole body health. The most frequent site for cavitations necrosis is the wisdom tooth area and under or near root canals. Dr. Aver refers patients with cavitations to a specialist.